Exhibitions This is your Espacio
Exhibitions This is your Espacio

Espacio Fundación Telefónica has a great exhibition offer. On this page, you can book your free ticket online to access all the exhibitions and choose the day of your visit.

You can also participate in guided tours of the temporary exhibitions. Information and bookings, here. We’re looking forward to seeing you!

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri:
11:00 - 20:00
Sat, Sun and Hollidays:
11:00 - 21:00

Espacio Fundación Telefónica has a great exhibition offer. On this page, you can book your free ticket online to access all the exhibitions and choose the day of your visit.

You can also participate in guided tours of the temporary exhibitions. Information and bookings, here. We’re looking forward to seeing you!

*Photo: Javier de Paz

We are still committed to bringing digital culture, art and knowledge to everyone. We are also committed to helping Madrid’s economic, vital and emotional recovery.

Through almost 200 pieces, the ‘Connections in the Telefónica Collection’ exhibition draws the spectator into a network of relationships that covers the company’s vast and significant artistic, technological and historical works. ‘The Great Imagination. Stories from the Future’ invites us to understand how the future was imagined in the past and what alternative futures we can imagine today. And, of course, the permanent exhibition ‘History of Telecommunications’, designed to share information on the evolution of telecommunications, with special emphasis on telephony in Spain. Free entry while space is available.

Furthermore, you can also participate in the guided tours of the temporary exhibitions. For more information, here. 

During these months of lockdown, the Espacio has continued its activities on a digital platform, as it had been doing for some time, and it has even created new digital spaces for debate and reflection, a format that is in its DNA and that has played and will continue to play an ever-increasing role moving forward. We continue our commitment to two major strategic lines of action with regard to content: digital culture and the dissemination of knowledge.

Never before has the need to highlight the social role played by culture been more important, and to spread scientific, technological, humanistic and cultural knowledge and make it available to all, factors which have been shown to have a positive influence on people’s physical and mental health. Given that our world is ever more complex and uncertain, we want to promote a capacity for analysis, reflection, debate, critical thought and creativity through our exhibitions, educational activities and programme of meetings and conferences.

  • #HistoriasDelFuturo

  • #Conexiones #ColecciónTelefónica

  • #ExpoTeleco

Our exhibitions So much to be discovered

  • On the fourth floor you will find ‘The Great Imagination. Stories from the Future’A journey through a universe of fantasies and daydreams that, at different times in history, have envisaged how the future could be through literature, cinema, comics, design and architecture, among other disciplines. Constructing a dialogue using imaginary scenarios stretching from the 18th century to the present day, the exhibition asks to what extent does our current vision of the future remain anchored in ideas and values of the past, and what role does the imagination and creativity play in producing possible alternatives.
  • On the third floor you will find the latest exhibition to appear in our rooms: ‘Connections in the Telefónica Collection’For the first time, we jointly present the Art Collection, Technological Heritage and Telefónica’s Historical Archive, in a collection that invites us to establishdialogues and connect ideas to contemplate this immensely rich heritage from a new perspective.
  • On the second floor you can also visit the‘History of Telecommunications. Telefónica’s Historical-Technological Collection‘ exhibition, designed to share information on the evolution of telecommunications’, with special emphasis on telephony in Spain. From telegraph machines to the latest generation of mobile phones, the 50 pieces we have selected illustrate a journey through time that offers an overall perspective on the growth of telecommunications, from its early years through to the present day: a world of networks in instant, permanent and global communication.

A safe space, a visit free from worry

We are returning with a new programme offering culture, entertainment, knowledge and leisure. The safety of all our visitors and employees is our absolute priority, to which end we have taken all the steps necessary in order to prevent and control risks and any future contingencies. We’re looking forward to seeing you! #ThisIsYourSpace.

We recommend the following:

  • Visit our exhibitions either on your own or with people you live with
  • Limit your visit to a maximum of one hour
  • Before you visit, consult the catalogues and audio-guides for the exhibition you will be visiting. If you want to access this content within the Espacio, free Wi-Fi is available
  • Download your tickets onto your phone or print them off

We have adapted by:

  • Reducing the capacity of all our spaces
  • Increasing installation cleaning and disinfection protocols
  • Making hydroalcoholic hand sanitizing gel available to visitors
  • Signposting a safe route through the exhibition
  • Making it easy to download all the information on the exhibitions on your phone

For your own safety, please remember:

  • A face mask must be worn throughout the visit
  • The use of lockers has been suspended
  • Bathrooms on the third floor are now open to the public from this week.
  • Bathrooms on the second floor (disabled) are still open and there is no need to ask for a key.
  • Please arrive on time in order to guarantee entry